Kiki & Mutant Bots

You should know the left one :-)
The bot to the right is a mutant. Mutant bots are really stupid.
They know nothing better to do than shooting each other. You
can normally just ignore them.
Inactive & Active Gates

If kiki walks through an active gate, it will be 'beamed' to
the next level. Kiki may move through inactive gates, but nothing
will happen.
Stones & Walls

The nano world kiki is living in consists mainly of stones
and walls.
Kiki may move a stone by pushing it.
If a stone is moved and nothing is below it's new position,
it will fall down. But note, that the physics in nano space
is different: The gravity is defined by kiki itself, so a stone
may fall in different directions if pushed from different perspectives!
Every time a switch is hit by a bullet, it toggles between
'on' and 'off'. Their function varies from level to level and
will be explained in the level's help messages.

Bombs explode, if they get hit by a bullet or another bomb's
splitter. If a bomb explodes, it will send 6 splitters in the
positive and negative directions of the 3 principal axes.
These bomb splitters will travel through space until they hit
an object.
If the object is moveable, it will
be pushed in the splitter's traveling directions.

Huge objects which - in a magical way - continuously produce
kinetic energy. This energy is made available at their revolving

These moveable objects transport energy
from one place to another. Obviously, if a gear is placed beside
a revolving gear, it will revolve as well.

Special gears which use the kinetic energy to induce a electric
current in nearby wires. Like gears, these objects may be moved.

The small light indicates, if there is an electric current
flowing through the wire. Electric currents may be used to activate
exit gates or to empower other (not yet
implemented :-) objects.
Moveable Objects
The following objects may be moved by kiki, a mutant bot or
a bomb splitter:
Bombs (moveable by bots only, they will
explode on splitter impact)
Actually, the pushing/falling rule is a little bit more complex
than described in the stone section:
If an object is moved by a bot and nothing
is below it's new position, it will fall down. The falling direction
(gravity) is defined by the pushing bot itself,
it may fall in different directions if pushed from different
If a bot is moved by a bomb splitter
and nothing is below it's new position, it will fall
down (with 'down' being defined by the pushed bot's current
orientation). Any other object pushed by a bomb splitter won't
fall in any direction. It will simply be pushed until it hits
an obstacle.